About me
My name is Rosanne van Adrichem - Briggeman and I am 32 years old. I live with my husband Karl and our twin sons Jaro and Xavi in Naaldwijk.
I am not stranger to being creative with wool and cotton. As a little girl I was wearing sweaters knitted by my mother or grandmother, and if a stuffed animal or garment had to be repaired, I could always go to grandma. Learning to crochet was therefore inevitable.
After I learned to crochet, I quickly started designing. In this I can really express my creativity. I prefer to design toys in the form of cute animals. What I like most is how such a cute creature slowly comes to life from a skein of yarn.
I love being able to share my creativity with you. I hope that all my customers have fun crocheting my patterns and that many small (and big) children can enjoy a lovingly made KNUFL!